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Grace United Family Church

First Time Guests


Here's What to Expect


  • A Smile and a Handshake (or a Hug!) from just about everyone. We delight to see new faces and get to know you.


  • Casual clothing. But feel free to dress up if you want to!


  • Music which seeks to honor the Lord and lead His people to worship Him. We do a variety of music, from Hymns of the Faith, to the most contemporary songs, all sung with purpose to turn our hearts and minds to the One we've come to worship!


  • A time of "Open Worship" where we have the opportunity to share with one another a Scripture or brief, personal "victory story". 


  • We make it a point to remember our fellow brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith.

We are

Family Integrated


Family Integration simply means that we do everything together! We have discovered through the years that life works better when the young learn from those who are more seasoned and when the older get encouraged over the enthusiam and vitality of the younger, it brings life into the congregation. 


The Youth are a vital part of our Sunday morning worship service. You'll see them handing out bulletins, assisting with music and tech, helping the less mobile to their seats, and sharing their own stories during "open worship" time. They lead us in prayer and teach us during "Youth Sunday" where Scripture is proclaimed (with a little help from those in leadership).


Family Integration is valuable during our Bible Fellowship (aka, Sunday School), where we make it a point to involve everyone, as much as possible.  Our Youth and kids share insights prompted by questions that we ask and their responses often amaze us.


Family Integration is important so that we can address individual concerns as they come up. We have groups that meet during the week, like Men's, Women's and Youth Groups.


We also offer a nursery for those little ones that are rambunctious and need well trained and loving hands to care for the them (age 2 and younger).

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